The Secret to Stable Staffing and Occupancy During the 'Great Resignation'

Since 2021, millions of Americans have quit their jobs in a trend coined “The Great Resignation.” For senior living operators, this couldn’t have come at a worse time.

Battered by the COVID-19 pandemic and its headwinds in 2020, many operators were heartened to see leads, move-ins and occupancy improve throughout 2021. But even as demand has returned, operators have been hamstrung by their ability to staff their communities during a historically challenging hiring landscape.

But there is a solution! Deploying technology and processes that both help you hire new talent and keep those staff members around longer.

In this eBook you'll learn:

  • How the right technology will help lessen some of the pressures that cause burnout.
  • How that can remove stale hiring practices that limit the fresh talent coming through your door.
  • How to use the same technology to aid your occupancy recovery efforts once you’re fully staffed.

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